In conjunction with the Spur Schools MTB League Signal Bikes is thrilled to unveil an exciting competition, open to all ages, including adults that is sure to keep the Lock-Down boredom at bay.

Colour your ride AND WIN one of two R4500 product hampers that includes Oakley Eyewear and Maxxis tyres!
Step 1: print the blank illustration, or trace from computer screen.
Step 2: colour in the illustration using your imagination and creativeness.
Step 3: post your completed design on social media (either twitter, facebook, instagram or instagram stories) tagging @signalbikes, @SpurMTBLeague and #ColourYourRide.

Competition T&Cs:
- Each product hamper includes a pair of Oakley eyewear, a set of Maxxis EXO 29er tyres and Signal Bikes and SSMTBL merchandise to the value of R4500 each.
- Competition is open to all ages, including adults!!!
- You may submit up to 3 significantly different designs
- You may use various methods - digital apps, crayons, pencil or koki pens - please let you imagination run wild.
- If you do not have a printer, please consider tracing the illustration off a computer screen.
- Product Hamper 1 will be awarded via a lucky-draw on Thursday 9th April 2020 via Instagram live.
- Product Hamper 2 will be awarded via lucky-draw on 15th April 2020 via Instagram live.
Postponed to 12:00 on 20th April 2020 due to extension of Lock-Down, submission cutoff, Midnight on Sunday, 19th April 2020.
- Signal Bikes' judge's decision of who is awarded each of the product hampers is final.
- Rush Sports employees are ineligible to win either of the product hampers.
Have fun and get creative!